This is the year to add a beautiful ornamental specimen to your landscape. There have been some exciting breakthroughs in color and hardiness in Crabapples and Japanese Maples. We’ve picked up a few trees with smaller mature sizes to expand our selection for small urban lots. Stop in and chat with our knowledgeable nurserymen and women to determine which tree is the best fit for your landscape, as well as the companion plants that bring out the best in your selection.
Shade Trees
Ornamental Trees
Raspberry Spear Crabapple (Malus ‘JFS KW213MX’ P.A.F.)
20′ tall, 8′ wide. Deep pink buds open to bright magenta flowers, followed by purple-red berries that brighten to red towards the fall. Disease-resistant foliage emerges deep purple, turning bronze in late summer and picking up orange tints in the fall. The shape is tightly columnar.
Royal Beauty Crabapple (Malus ‘Royal Beauty‘)
8′ tall, 12′ wide. Purple buds turn to fragrant pink flowers in the spring, followed by showy red berries that persist into the fall. Foliage emerges deep red, turning bronzy-purple during the summer and burgundy in the fall. A beautiful weeping selection.
Eve Hulvershorn says:
Hi Jim, usually the city sends a list of trees to choose from along with the voucher. I don’t think Japanese Maples are typically covered with that program. Our planting price is half the price of the tree you select. There’s a pretty big price range depending on what you choose, so it might be easiest if you stop in with your list, voucher, and maybe some photos of your yard and house and have a nursery person help you select a good tree from the voucher list. If you’d like to call us instead (402-423-1133) we can get you started over the phone, too!
Jim says:
We just had a tree die in our front yard. The city gave us a voucher to replant. I really like the Japanese maple fire glow. I am just wondering how this works and how much the trees are. Also how much is the planting of the new? Thanks in advanced
Sherrill says:
Hey very nice blog!
Eve Hulvershorn says:
Kim, it’s not too late to plant! We have quite a few Frontier elms and a couple of Triumph elms left. Plus they’re currently 25% off!
Kim Wiseman says:
What type of elms do you carry? Are they still in stock, and is it too late to plant this fall?
Eve Hulvershorn says:
Mary, we’re sold out of dwarf gingkos for the season! We should have them in the spring.
Mary says:
Hi, wondering if you have any dwarf gingkos in this fall. Thanks!
Eve Hulvershorn says:
Hi Shelly, sorry, we don’t carry that variety!
Shelly Bowman says:
Hi, do you have any twist apple trees this year?
Eve Hulvershorn says:
Hi Michelle, we don’t have a date for our tree sale yet, it will be sometime after Labor Day.
Michelle says:
When do your trees go on sale